C- Celery: includes Leaves, seeds and Powder
D- Dairy: includes butter, cream, yoghurt and cheese; also found in bread, pastry, ice cream butter and chocolate products
E- Eggs: found in cakes, biscuits, pastries, butter, ice cream, meringue
F- Fish: includes all species of fish can also be found in fish sauce, fish oil, omega-3 rich oils
G- Gluten: found in wheat, cereals, barley, rye, bread, pastry, pasta, noodles, beer, soya sauce, spelt, and kamut
M- Mustard: includes mustard paste, mustard powder, mustard seeds
Mo-Molluscs: includes Scallops, mussels, Squid, oysters
N-Nuts: includes tree nuts almond, cashews, pecan, pistachio, walnut
P-Peanuts: includes groundnuts, monkey nuts, beer nuts
Sh- Shellfish: includes prawns, lobster, crab, crayfish, shrimps
So- Soya: found in miso, soya sauce, tofu, edamame beans, and also in bread, biscuits, cakes, ice cream, chocolate products
Se-Sesame Seeds, found un sesame oil
Su- Sulphur Dioxide often used as a preservative
NOTES- these are NOT nuts: pine nuts, nutmeg, coconut, chufa nut